A fond farewell – and a warm welcome!
We’re sad to say goodbye to Jade, who left us for pastures new in November – many thanks and best wishes from the Mrs Smith’s Cottage team, you’ll be much missed!
However we’re so pleased to welcome Andrea, the new Heritage Assistant at the cottage – pop in and say hello! We’ll be hearing more from Andrea in January’s newsletter and finding out how her first month at the cottage has gone.
Coming up in December…
We have some exciting workshops, talks and events lined up for the festive season:
On Friday 3rd Dec we have our Lino Printing Christmas Card workshop – learn lino cutting and printing techniques to create a beautiful and unique card with Harriott Brand.
On Sunday 5th December Harriott joins us again for a Collage Christmas Card workshop – suitable for all of the family.
Friday 10th December we’ll be joined by Tom Lane for his ‘Christmas Customs’ talk; learn about the origins of some of our Christmas traditions, and don’t forget your singing voice as the talk will be accompanied by music from Nigel and Terri!
As with all of our talks, workshops and events, you can reserve your place on our website.
Santa at the Cottage
On Saturday 18th December we’re delighted to be welcoming a very special guest to the cottage – the big man himself will be settling down in the cosy cottage to collect his letters and get to know the children of the Cliff Villages.
While you’re here, why not collect one of our Christmas Craft Packs from our retail area, and write a Christmas card for our Care Home Christmas Card campaign?
…and a sneak peek at January
The new year is the perfect chance to try something new, and we have some fantastic workshops and events to kick off 2022.
On Friday 7th January, come along to Simon Garbutt’s talk on the ‘Plough Plays of Lincolnshire’ and explore the interesting history behind this tradition. On Sunday 9th January you can see the real play in action – from 12-4pm there will be a modern take on the play with the young actors from Duck Egg Theatre Co., and from 6pm-8pm the Navenby Plough Jags will be touring the traditional play through the village pubs.
Workshops lined up for the new year include Block Printing and Book Making – head over to our events page for details and to book your space.
We’d love to hear your feedback!
Have you visited us at the cottage recently? We’d love to know your thoughts on how we’re doing, and your ideas for what you’d like to see happening at Mrs Smith’s Cottage – please take a few minutes to fill in our survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/FHWYF6C?fbclid=IwAR1a3E5sy7-MFO2y9Le9XgetfCWcEuEvtLtRAalUsTdAGNx7P0fLjsnF4iw
Keep up-to-date with what we have planned
For all the latest about happenings at Mrs Smith’s Cottage, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook!